Friday, 27 November 2009

Never fear

I am now officially a member of two Creative Teams (CT, in scrapper's slang).

The first one is at the DigiDesign Resort. Looks like a Romanian girl (mommy of 3 kids) is a CT manager for this site and she liked my layouts so much that she invited me to their CT. Thank you, Monica!

The second one is for Mamrotka Designs. She is also a designer for the above site, but I had written to her before being approached by Monica.

I hope I will manage to enjoy it and also create some nice layouts for the respective designers. I also hope my dear husband won't kill me for spending even more time on the PC, since he already detests my addiction ;-)

Meanwhile, here is a little something that I created yesterday evening.

Take me to the old world by Lily Designs
Photo by me


  1. Mensch Feli, du wirst immer besser, toll dass du jetzt in einem CT bist... Mir wurde das vor langer Zeit mal angeboten, aber ich sollte da in verschiedenen Foren aktiv sein, das war mir etwas zu viel.... Klasse Freistellung hier!

  2. Beautiful page hun! I got that kit too:) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! You will manage hun! Designers these days are really understanding:) and so should be our hubbys but that another show! I dont sleep much so I work at night:) adn day, and just about any minute i can find. I loved being a CT, and a Supreme team member at GDS, that was one of my first places in digi world, but I fell in love with creating and could not stop. Going hun to get kidos ready 4 school, then clean, and maybe computer? HAHAHAHA will do! HUGS Congrats again! and talk 2u soon!

  3. Moni, danke dir!! Mit den Foren bin ich auch nicht begeistert, habe keine Zeit dafür, aber ich denke, es geht nur darum, die LOs in viele Gallerys hochzuladen... Ich muss es einfach machen, damit ich noch mehr lernen und mir ein bisschen einen "Namen" machen kann, wenn ich später meine eigenen Kits rausbringen will... Ich war mir sicher, dass du auch angesprochen wurdest, du hast soviel Talent!!!!

    Katherine, thank you so much for your kind words and appreciation. My problem is that I want time for me on the computer and I also want to sleep ;-)) (the first 11 months with my son I couldn't sleep for more than 3 hours without him waking me up, can you imagine??); now we are co-sleeping, all three of us, and it's much better... What is GDS?
    Hugs back and I can't wait for your new kit to come out!!
