This new kit that I created for my spotlight at PickleberryPop is a tribute to my dearest aunt Elena, who died last month at the age of 90.
She was the one who saved me when I was a child, she loved me more than my own (abusive) mother, she was the kindest and most giving person I have ever known! She had a very hard life, but always a good heart!! She had a horrible childhood, she was left with her father when her parents divorced and her stepmother abused and starved her almost to death when she was only 9 years old. She practically raised my father, her younger brother, all by herself. She was married five or six times, she was very unhappy and abused again in almost every marriage, but she was always kind and generous, she never complained, she always helped everybody and she tried to make the best out of her life. She lived a life full of dignity and honesty.
Dear aunt Elena, may you rest in peace, this kit is for you and for your noble soul, my dear "old lady"! I will never forget you, you will always be in my heart!!
The kit contains 9 beautiful and special papers as well as 66 wonderful and unique elements.

For my spotlight period, if you spend
$10 and more in my store at PickleberryPop, you will get these FWP stackers created with the kit Old Lady Remembers.
Here are some inspirational layouts from me and my talented CT ladies.
Photo by Nelli Hoss Photography
Photo from stock
(Thank you so much, zaza09!)
Photo by Anarud
Photo by Marika Burder
Photo by Anarud
Photo by M. Gvedashvili
Photo by Nelli Hoss Photography
Photo by Marika Burder
Photo by Nelli Hoss Photography
Photo by Mechtaniya
Photo by Ariana Falerni
Photo by Anarud
Photo by Mechtaniya
And now, the outstanding creations made by my lovely CT ladies.
by Yara
by bryanna
by Irenchen
by Anny-Libelle
by Bessychou
by Jacqueline
by Bessychou
by Gina
by Widie
by Kama
by Chaos Lounge
by Gina
by Jeannette
by Kama
by Mary-11
by motherbear
by Nathy
by Rollinchen
by pkdoll
by Rollinchen
by Scrapdolly
by Angeleye
by Twin_Kati
by Twin_Tina
by Tonia Scrap
by alannabanana
by dodiegonzales
by digitalessandra
by pkdoll
by xuxper
I wish you all the best for the upcoming Easter weekend, enjoy the time with your families and your loved ones!