Today I had the great pleasure of working with Wilma's latest kit - Cozy comfy. It's truly beautiful, with warm colors and lots of wonderful, delicate elements.

** available at Digiridoo Scraps **
Here are my pages (of course I can use them in some challenges too ;-)))

Photo and shape wordarts by me
Wordart "Attached at the heart" by Bekah E Designs
Scraplifted from Snaggletooth75

Photo and wordart by me
Journaling says:
It was June 2008. You had just been born at 1:08 a.m. on the 24th. We were both totally exhausted, but still incredible overwhelmed by your tiny yet powerful presence. We could feel how our lives changed forever from the second we held you in our arms. I was still handicapped due to the effects of the Caesarean surgery and your daddy had to take care of both of us, so in the first 2 nights he only slept 3 hours.
This is one of those moments of sheer exhaustion and deep happiness,
I am so happy that I caught it with the camera!
This photo still makes me weep when I remember those crazy days and nights
so full of love, hope and togetherness!
We will always love you!
Mommy and daddy