Here is my new collection - That's the Spirit.
“Remember this, that very little is needed to make a happy life”
- Marcus Aurelius
- Marcus Aurelius
“Happiness, not in another place, but this place… not for another hour, but for this hour.”
- Walt Whitman
- Walt Whitman
I created this lovely kit in bright and optimistic colors to remind you how easy it is to feel happy!
Here are the previews.
** available at Digital Scrapbooking Studio **
** available at Digidesignresort **
Here is some inspiration from my CT and myself.
Photo by JJ Mily Photography
Photo by Alena Balabanova
Photo by Marika Burder
Photo by Dan C.
Photo by Alena Balabanova
And now... the amazing creations by my lovely and talented CT ladies.
by Chaos Lounge
by Anny-Libelle
by chelisa
by Gina
by Irenchen
by Bessychou
by Kamà
by kastagnette
by Yara
by BiankaS
by LiMa Inspirations
by Mary-11
by Rollinchen
by Traumelfe
by dodiegonzales
by patriciaj
by Twin_Kati
by Twin_Tina
That's it, I hope you like the new collection! Happy shopping and please do let me see what you create with the kit!