Welcome to our brand new, super fun challenge: Build A Book! Look here for all the details and information about this fun challenge.
Join Manda, Nibbles Skribbles, for this new spin on our crowd favorite Layout Artist Contest!
Starting September 15, in just 2 weeks you will have a completed photo book ready to order. And, if you're one of the lucky ones, you'll even get your book printed (see prize details for information).... on US!
This challenge is about freedom - we want you to create your own album your own way - we'll be providing encouragement, excitement and freebies to help motivate you - but it will fall on you to do the layouts, get them posted and finish your album! I have already shared a tip or two, and will try and share more as the month progresses. In addition I want you to encourage each other. Use these daily posts as a spot to share your excitement about a page, or voice your stress/frustration with the process (I know we'll all be there at least once). We'll be here to support you and help you through! YOU CAN DO IT. So, here we go - we have 16 days to complete 20 pages - let's get this party started! !
Each day we will be sharing a Building Block with you, it will be a free gift to help you if you want it! You are not required to use them on your pages, but you can!
Today's building block is from Nibbles Skribbles - this is a set of "magnetic poetry" type word bits. These are fun additions to your clusters, or a unique way to make single words in your journaling POP! I hope you find them useful!
Looking forward to seeing your pages, albums and having some fun!
Go to the forum to download your Building Block and start the challenge!!