Hello everybody, August is almost here and I present you my new kit - Natural beauty!
I hope you like it. It is a kit with warm, yet vibrant colors, inspired by the beauty of nature, by natural beauty in general, you can really scrap absolutely everything with it!!
This kit is jam-packed with beautiful, unique elements, flowers, leaves, brushes, lots of realistic elements, you will love it! It includes 13 papers and 77 unique elements, 3 pieces of word art, 4 clusters and 8 ready-to-use clusters and overlays.

In the kit I also included 5 ready-to-use clusters/overlays.

I also created a set of beautiful word art coordinating with the kit.

And if you want to save good money and get the full kit, the clusters, the word art AND 4 Bonus quickpages, you should grab the bundle.

Here is a preview of the quickpages - 3 made by my lovely CT girl Jacqueline and one by me.

I want to show you some inspirational layouts from my CT girls and myself, so that you can see just how beautiful and versatile this kit is.

Photos by Moni
Lifted from widie
Photo by Laredo Montoneri (used with permission from priss)
Photos by Nelli Hoss Photography
Photo by M. Gvedashvili
Photo by NiDerLander at Photoxpress
Photos by M. Gvedashvili
Photos by Lucie
(Thank you so much, momadee!!)

Photos by Ariana Falerni
Photo by K. Angelova
Lifted from Vanilla Designz
And here are the beauties created by my wonderful CT girls with my kit.
by Moni

by Jacqueline

by priss

by Twin_Tina

by Jacqueline

by Twin_Kati

by chelisa

by BernieTuffs

by extase

by Moni

by Traumelfe

by laurenb

by Jeannette

by Twin_Tina

by Sisa0309

by emst

by chelisa

by Jeannette

by emst

by Jacqueline

by justbnsharon

by charliesnana

by angeleye

by Aska

by Ina

by charliesnana

by extase

by Angeleye

by justbnsharon

by Ina

by Jini

by Sisa0309

by Aska

by Twin_Kati

by extase

Stay tuned and check the blog again, because the freebie coordinating with my kit will come on 2 August this time!!
* * * * *
Chooo-chooo, the DST August Blog Train is on its way!!
It's great that you are stopping by on my blog! I do hope that you are enjoying our summer ride. We were given a color palette and everybody could create following a theme of their choice. If you collect all the goodies, in the end you will own a HUGE beautiful coordinating kit.
Here is the little mini that I created for you and I do hope you have time to leave me a comment if you download and also I may ask that you be so fair and not share my work with anybody else! Just send them to my blog if you want them to download this mini.

** Sorry, link expired **
You should have arrived here from
Designs by Shelly.
Your next train stop is
Pardon the Mess.
Should you lose your way, a complete list of all the train stops is on the
Blog Train Blog.
Have a great month of August!