What were YOU up to this past midyear break? Was it summer for you or winter? Were you on the beach? Did you discover any new cities? Were you out hiking? Did you go off skiing? Did you stay home and paint the house? The break is over, but scrapping your favorite vacation and travel pictures could bring back those fantastic holiday feelings!
We handpicked a number of kits that are just perfect to scrap your travel & vacation layouts and put them on sale!
Check them out (images are linked to the store).

And we have a little contest for you too: Make a layout about your favorite past midyear break memory and post it in our special blog contest gallery and we'll leave you lots of love AND our staff will pick a favorite.
Make your layouts with any of the products that we selected and our staff will pick a favorite also ... AND this favorite will win a $10 GC to our store!
Contest and sale run from 9 September - 23 September. Please post your Travel & Vacation layouts in this gallery at the latest on 23 September 2011!
Voting will take place during the last week of September, publication of the winning layouts will be in the first week of October. Winning layouts will be featured in our monthly "What's New At the 'Roo" newsletter, on our Facebook page, our blog, our homepage and in our forum.