After creating Boy Happy, I thought little girls should not be forgotten and so I was inspired to create Girl Happy.
GIRL HAPPY is a kit for little girls, but not only! It is created for the little girl in all of us, who is dreaming of beautiful, lovely things!
This kit is jam-packed with beautiful, unique elements, flowers, leaves, brushes, realistic elements, you will love it!
It includes 12 papers and 80 unique elements, 2 pieces of word art, plus 5 ready-to-use clusters and overlays.
Have a closer look.

In the kit I also included 5 ready-to-use clusters/overlays.

I also created a set of word art coordinating with the kit.

And if you want to save good money and get the full kit, the clusters, the word art AND 4 Bonus quickpages, you should grab the bundle.

** all available at
Digidesignresort **
** all available at
Digiridoo Scraps **
Now I want to show you, as always, some inspiration from my CT girls and myself, to help you see how beautiful and versatile this kit is.
Photo by L. Kseniya(Thank you so much, mummyd!!)
Photo by priss
Photo by Violeta
Photo by D. Zhuravel
Photo by Enia
Photo by M. Gvedashvili
Photo by Holly Spring Designs
Photo by M. Tubalova
Photo by Holly Spring DesignsGSO at DST(Thank you so much, *Joanne*)And now... drumroll... here are the fabulous layouts from my CT girls.
by priss

by Moni

by Jacqueline

by Traumelfe

by digitalessandra

by Jeannette

by Twin_Kati

by chelisa

by Jaqueline

by Angeleye

by Twin_Tina

by digitalessandra

by justbnsharon

by Angeleye

by BernieTuffs

by Twin_Tina

by Twin_Kati

by marnie

by chelisa

by Ina

by emst

by justbnsharon

by laurenb

by chaos.teory

by BernieTuffs

by yeny

by marnie

by charliesnana

by Twin_Tina

by Sisa0309

by laurenb

by Aska

by Aska

by Twin_Kati

Last but not least, here is the promised freebie - this fantastic quickpage prepared by my dear CT girl emst.
If you like it and download it, please take a minute to leave a comment - it is always so appreciated!