Sophie is a 7-year old girl, whose (Romanian) mother was brutally murdered by her (Austrian) husband in November 2012 because she had filed for divorce and threatened to disclose her strong suspicions that he was sexually molesting Sophie! After the murder, Sophie's father took Sophie to his parents and, through an illegally assumed competence by the local judge, the criminal's parents received temporary custody!!
The maternal grandmother has been trying to obtain the custody of Sophie for 8 months, especially since in April Sophie told her (and 4 other witnesses!) that the paternal grandfather was sexually molesting her as well. The director of the Vienna Center for Intervention against Domestic Violence was one of the witnesses, she made an official report of Sophie’s confessions, describing the danger in which Sophie was living, and she sent it to Child Protection Services Vienna. However, the same (corrupt?) judge and the Child “Protection” Services from Steyr, again through an illegally assumed competence, had her returned to the abuser two days later and the grandmother has not seen her since 28 April 2013!!!!
After finally making the whole story public (despite being advised even by her former lawyers not to do it and not to go to the police!!), in June the grandmother found new (effective and committed) lawyers, who are helping her, but she needs financial support in order to be able to pay for all the legal actions in Steyr and Vienna and help save Sophie from abuse and have her placed in a safe environment!
You can also help Sophie by buying this amazing collection put together by nine designers:
ADB Designs - Celinoa Designs - Doudou's Design - Fayette Designs - Feli Designs - Lilas Design - LouCee Creations - Mel Designs - Moos Scrap Designs
This huge collection includes:
- the full kit with 43 beautiful backgrounds and 134 magnificent elements
- 9 separate pieces of word art
- 5 gorgeous arrangements
- 4 beautiful stacked papers
- 4 fantastic borders
- 4 cluster frames
- 4 lovely ribbon arrangements
- 12 amazing and unique quickpages
All proceeds minus Paypal Fees will be donated to the Save Sophie Fund.
** available at PickleberryPop **
** available at Digital Scrapbooking Studio **
** available at Digidesignresort **
Photo by Iga Logan
Photo by Marika Burder
Photo by Iga Logan
Photo by Iga Logan
Photo by Nelli Hoss Photography
Photo by JJ Mily Photography
Photo by Alena Balabanova
Photo by Ariana Falerni
Photo by Alena Balabanova
Photo by Leandi
Photo by Marina Kostikova
Photo by Marina Kostikova
Photo by Iga Logan
Photo by Iga Logan
Photo by Ariana Falerni
Photo by Iga Logan
Photo by Nelli Hoss Photography
Photo by Marina Kostikova
And now, the beauties created by my talented CT ladies.
by Irenchen

by Gina
by Kama
by Chaos Lounge
by Nathy
by Rollinchen
by Tinci
by mijo
by Bessychou
by Chaos Lounge
by dodiegonzales
by Gina
by patriciaj
by Conny
by janik
by motherbear
by patriciaj
by Rollinchen
from Diane
by LorieM
by svarapaja
by Twin_Kati
by Twin_Tina
from Doudou
I hope you will like our collection and that through your help we may soon be able to see Sophie placed in a safe environment!
Thank you with all my heart for your generosity, my dear friends designers and to all the customers buying this kit: may God bless you!