Now I feel much better, somehow liberated, so I can start planning Christmas. First of all, we will have a nice little Christmas tree and I am sure David will enjoy it much more than last year, when he was just too little to understand any of the bling-bling going on... Now he will get lots of presents and he will know that they are Christmas presents... On the 25th we will have guests, a family of friends with their little daughter Ala (I've been scrapping her a lot, she is such a cutie!!) and I will prepare the famous Romanian "salata de boeuf" and "sarmale". If you want more details, like photos and recipes (yummy), go HERE.
And now let's get down to something scrapping-related, shall we?
Darlene from Studio 4 Designworks and I just finished our new collab kit - Santastic Season.

Here is some inspiration from me and my "santastic" CT girls. Hope you like our pages.
My pages.

Template by Akizo
And now... the fabulous girls from my and Darlene's CT.



Scrappie Irene






Finally, here is the promised freebie: a beautiful quickpage.