This is a kit that I created with lots of sadness in my heart (I really had to force myself to put some "pinky-ish" stuff to not make it too dark). The title may mean something different for each of us, but to me it is about our inner silence, our unspoken pain, about the silence that we sometimes can hear behind our very words, about the misunderstandings when trying to communicate with people we love, about the loneliness and sadness in our hearts that ultimately no words can ever express...
I hope my work will find a way to your inner silence which longs to be expressed and maybe it will help you create some memorable pages, into which you can put all your heart!! The kit contains 10 unique backgrounds, 73 unique elements, 8 pieces of word art, 4 ready-to-use clusters and a bonus of 2 beautiful quickpages created by my talented CT girl Jacqueline. Have a closer look.

** available at Digiridoo Scraps **
** available at Digidesignresort **
Now let me show you some inspirational pages by me and my talented CT girls.

And now ... the splendid pages by my CT girls!
by Jacqueline

by digitalessandra

by Angeleye

by LiLi

by Traumelfe

by Bettieescrap

by Chaos Lounge

by Ren

by momadee

by Jacqueline

by chelisa

by charliesnana

by momadee

by LiLi

by Bettieescrap

by Angeleye

by Mary-11

by Ren

by Aska

by charliesnana

by emst

Last but not least, as always, enjoy this gorgeous free quickpage created for you by my talented girl Elaine (emst).