Nothing is so important in our lives than the love of a mother; those who never had it carry a deep wound in their hearts and those who have it should celebrate it and give thanks every day!
A love that never ends is a collab dedicated to all the loving mothers and their happy children.
This huge kit contains 18 backgrounds, 16 seamless backgrounds, 103 unique elements and 3 photo masks.
Have a closer look.
Nicole and I created a beautiful set of clusters as well.
Then there is the Word Art.
And finally, as always, the Bundle, which contains all of the above and a bonus of 6 amazing quickpages created by my talented CT girls.
** available at Digiridoo Scraps **
** available at Digidesignresort **
As always, here is some inspiration from me and my lovely and talented CT ladies.
Photo by Nelli Hoss Photography
(Thank you so much, Bettieescrap!)
Photos by Nelli Hoss Photography

And now, the beauties created by my talented CT ladies.
by zaza09
by Jacqueline
by Irenchen
by Janik
by ChaosLounge
by Widie
by Kaymee
by Angeleye
by Leandi
by Widie
by Jacqueline
by Leandi
by Jeanet
by Angeleye
by Anny-Libelle
by pkdoll
by Scrapolina
by xuxper
by dodiegonzales
by Jacqueline
by BernieTuffs
by motherbear
by Jeannette
by charliesnana
by digitalessandra
* * * * *
Last but not least, as always, here is a free quickpage for you, created by the lovely Jacqueline.
* Sorry, link expired *