“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the
bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your
sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
- H. Jackson Brown Jr.
This beautiful kit will inspire you to keep dreaming and to capture
all those special moments when you or your children have dared to step
out of the comfort zone and do something extraordinary, exploring a
fascinating and unknown world!
The kit is jam-packed with 11 gorgeous, soft-patterned papers and 75 magnificent elements.
Have a look at the previews.
I created a set of 5 beautiful ready-made clusters.
Here is a set of 5 lovely and unique ready-made arrangements.
My talented CT ladies have outdone themselves and came up with a fantastic set of quickpages.
If you want to save time and money, I have a great deal for you: get the entire bundled collection, for a special price, it is 60% OFF!
** available at Digital Scrapbooking Studio **
** available at Digidesignresort **
And now, as always, let's have a look at some amazing layouts, if I may say so :-)
First let me show you mine, I had lots of fun creating these, the kit is so versatile!
Photo by Marika Burder
Photo by Amanda Krueger
Photo by priss

Photos by Mel Designs
Photo by Mechtaniya
Photo by A. Serdyukova
Photo by E. Galitskaya
Photo: Maureen N.
... and now ... drumroll... here are the splendid creations by my talented CT ladies!
by Traumelfe
by virgiangie
by Kamá
by Irenchen
by janik
by dkane
by Jacqueline
by Norma
by JulesW
by virgiangie
by annliz
by Mary-11
by Astrofairy
by bryanna
by Rollinchen
by jirsev
by Astrofairy
by Twin_Kati
by Twin_Tina
I hope you like my new collection and I wish you a lot of joy scrapping with it. Please do show me what you create, I'd love to see your beautiful pages!