Happy New Year everybody!! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas time and that you celebrated New Year's Eve among your dear ones! I was unfortunately unable to "celebrate" at midnight, because David was asleep in my arms and he didn't even hear the fireworks... and to me it was more important to hold him than to watch the show outside the window...
I had a great time with my little one in Romania one week! Very stressful, lots of visits because everybody wanted to meet David, lots of new places to go to, lots of gorgeous food (ay-ay-ay!!!), but we had great weather, we slept in a very nice and cozy and quiet hotel, we managed to see everybody and David finally met his Opa (his grandfather, who insisted on presenting him with a real professional football) and his great aunts Coca and Nuta, his aunt Rodica, his uncle Robert and his cousins Tudor and Ina-Maria, his aunt Carmen and his cousin Andreea... It was a great trip!
* * * * *
And now to something completely different ;-))
I hope you will like my new kit! I love it, it's really my favorite of all the kits I've created so far.
Let me take you to my magical and wonderful Kingdom of Ice - celebrating winter in a unique way!

There is also a set of gorgeous and unique ready-to-use clusters and overlays.

As always, if you want to save good money and get these amazing quickpages, you should choose the bundle.

Now let me show you some truly magical inspiration.
Photo from Deviant ArtGSO at DST(Thank you very much, Bettieescrap!) Tube by yorkybarGSO at DST(Thank you very much, Bettieescrap!)
Photo from Deviant Art Photo from Deviant Art

Photo by Anarud
Photo by A. Makarenok
Lifted from Valentina
Photo from Deviant ArtGSO at DST(Thank you so much, Lime!) Photo by AnreanaGSO at DST(Thank you so much, Bettieescrap!) 
Photo by A. ZhigalovaGSO at DST(Thank you so much, Bettieescrap!) Photos from Moni
Photo by priss
GSO at DST(Thank you so much, Bettieescrap!) Photo by MechtaniyaGSO at DST(Thank you so much, Bettieescrap!) Photo by Ralin
And now, the absolute brilliant pages created by my talented CT girls!
by Jeanet

by Chaos Lounge

by dodiegonzales

by priss

by BernieTuffs

by momadee

by zaza09

by Mary-11

by Jacqueline

by Widie

by nagato

by Jacqueline

by Ina

by mummyd

by Mary-11

by Irenchen

by janik

by charliesnana

by Chaos Lounge

by Bettieescrap

by Jeannette

by emst

by dodiegonzales

by Chaos Lounge

by Jeanet

by Scrapolina

by mummyd

by Angeleye

by Ina

by Widie

by justbnsharon

As always, I prepared a beautiful free quickpage for you!

Last but not least, since my previous post with the sneak peek only had 4 comments, I decided to offer the kit to all of them - as a little thank you for posting such nice comments!
Hanna, Chrissy, Amy and Fairy White, please contact me at feli-designs@stars.ms so I can send you your coupons! Congrats and I hope you will enjoy the kit!