Sunday 8 November 2009

Antoanela's Birthday Present

Antoanela searched for inspiration on various galleries and then she found two designs that she liked. I combined them for her and below is the result. I am little bit sad that it is not entirely my creation, but we only have a few weeks left until her birthday, my time is also limited and I couldn't risk standing there with no present at all. Anyway, she said she liked my layout made with the MagicalReality Designs kit Dream a little dream as well and she will have it framed for another of her walls ;-))

Warm scent by Armina Designs
Lifted Layouts - Jen and Manderin Oranges
Photo by Mike C.

1 comment:

  1. Danke noch für deinen letzten comment bei mir.
    Wie ich sehe hast du das Foto nochmal verbastelt. Ich kenne das, mach das auch oft.
    Ist dir wieder sehr gut gelungen.
